Elderly drivers statistics 2009
Driving is a key concern, but older adults are also increasingly injured and killed when walking, bicycling, and riding in vehicles. The number of motor-vehicle deaths involving drivers and other road users age 65 and older has increased 32% since , from 6, to 8, in At the same time, the population of older adults in the United. Older drivers, particularly those aged 75+, have higher crash death rates than middle-aged drivers (aged ). 3 Higher crash death rates among this age group are primarily due to increased vulnerability to injury in a crash. Across all age groups, males have substantially higher death rates than females. 4. · Elderly drivers in fewer accidents than others Statistics don’t discourage push to change law. Globe Staff / J E-mail this article. To: Invalid E-mail address. Add a .
J pm ET BOSTON—A recent spate of traffic accidents in Massachusetts has intensified the debate about restricting older drivers, pitting legislators against advocates opposed to. J am. According to Census projections, as reported by The Shreveport Times, next year there will be 39 million Americans aged 65 years or older. And that number will jump to 69 million by , which means more older drivers. By , one-quarter of Americans will be considered elderly, said Peter Kissinger, president and chief. Between and , the U.S. population of people 65 and older increased by 34%. Because of the increasing proportion of older drivers on our nation’s roads, NHTSA is dedicated more than ever to promoting safe behaviors of older drivers on our nation’s roads. NHTSA demonstrates its commitment to the safety of older drivers by working.
A AP We'll take a look at some general statistics about seniors driving In , more than 58% of deaths in crashes involving drivers over. Farvardin 5, AP The number of elderly drivers has been increasing in Japan with the and violations caused by elderly drivers based on data for Left turns through intersections, either across traffic or at a T-intersection, are the most risky for older drivers (Bao Boyle, ; Clarke, Ward, Bartle, .