Elderly drivers statistics victoria

Older drivers, particularly those aged 75+, have higher crash death rates than middle-aged drivers (aged ). 3 Higher crash death rates among this age group are primarily due to increased vulnerability to injury in a crash. Across all age groups, males have substantially higher death rates than females. www.doorway.rug: victoria. 30 rows · The number of older drivers that hold a driver’s licence has doubled in the last 20 years. In , there were , drivers who are aged over 70 on our roads. Older Victorian drivers are over represented in driver fatalities, just under 18% of . The older adults and population aging statistics portal brings information together from across the agency to make it easier to find data and articles relating to topics that impact Canada’s aging population. These topics include: care and social support, elder abuse and victimization, health and disability, housing and living arrangements, wealth, retirement and www.doorway.rug: victoria.

Between and , the U.S. population of people 65 and older increased by 34%. Because of the increasing proportion of older drivers on our nation’s roads, NHTSA is dedicated more than ever to promoting safe behaviors of older drivers on our nation’s roads. NHTSA demonstrates its commitment to the safety of older drivers by working. Statistics The annual number of Victorian road deaths is less than a third of what it was in Despite this, over 10, people have been killed on Victorian roads since then. Learn about how you can stay safe on the road as an older driver.

injury rates in Victoria were observed in , with motor vehicle The data bases used for this analysis in the number of very old drivers. COUNCIL ON THE AGEING VICTORIA SUBMISSION: INQUIRY INTO VICTORIA'S ROAD Older driver education. Key statistics on older people. This increase needs to be set within the overall context of an aging population, with BITRE figures indicating an increase in driver licences for this older.


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